What Did You Read?

Much to my dismay, summer has refused to listen to my pleading. It will not stay a little longer, nor will it tell school who’s boss. “How RUDE!” (if you can name the sitcom that featured those words, you’re my early 90’s friend forever).

But even though part of me still wants to throw a tantrum (decidedly NOT ladylike), another part of me is completely excited about the start of a new year. A new school year means new binders, new pencils, a new lunchbox, and a new backpack full of opportunities. A fresh start, like a clean sheet of notebook paper.

It’s also a chance for me to revamp what I teach my students. Every group is different from the last–they have unique personalities, interests, and stories. I have the special privilege as an English teacher to watch as the right book taps into those personalities and stories, letting their ideas flow out like sap from a maple tree.

And this, readers, is where you come in!

There are a few books I’ve taught in the past that I know I’ll teach again, but I’m wondering about your favorite books from high school.

What book challenged you as a person, inspired a love of reading, made you laugh or feel, or taught you something about life? Why did this book captivate you?

Don’t be shy, shout ‘em out!


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4 Responses to What Did You Read?

  1. Margaret Lowery says:

    Answer to the trivia question is Full House :) and my fav book in HS was by FAR A Farewell to Arms!

  2. Molly B now V says:

    The Awakening by Kate Chopin in 11th grade. 9th grade Agatha Christi the ABC Murders.

  3. karen cline says:

    I loved F. Scott Fitzgerald and Hemingway…sweet and salty.

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